All Widowers Dating Site

Online widow dating can be a safer experience than traditional dating. It gives you a wider scope of choice and you can remain at a distance until you are ready to meet. For those seeking to meet somebody new after the loss of a partner, it can often seem hard to know where to begin. There are a lot of widow dating sites have been designed for widow and widower singles to meet their needs of dating, relationship and finding love again. However, there are plenty of widows and widowers have no idea how to choose the best option and which is the right one for them at the same time. So, we have reviewed and ranked the top 5 widow dating sites for them and help them meet other widows and widowers to find love again. Let's check out our top 5 widow dating sites reviews now.

No.1 Millionaire Match★★★★★ BEST CHOICE

All Widowers Dating Site

There are a lot of people often unfortunately lose their wife or husband in life, but dating another widow or widower for them can be reassuring, as someone who has also experienced losing a partner will have a better idea of how you are feeling. As one of the best dating sites for widows and widowers, Millionaire Match has brought together lots of attractive and successful people who have lost a partner and helped them find love again since it was launched in 2001. Whether you are a widow or widower looking for someone new, is your best choice.

No.2 Widows or Widowers★★★★☆

Launched in 2004, Widows or Widowers is the longest running dating site specifically for widows and widowers. Founder Annie Hunte originally created the site after she became a widow, and had difficulty finding someone who understood the challenges she was facing. Her goal was to help others like her find love again. They’re all right here on All Widowers, a dating site created with someone just like you in mind. All Widowers connects widows, widowers, and anyone interested in dating them from all over the country in an attempt to forge new friendships and romantic relationships. It features a simple yet engaging layout that makes the user experience very.

Site has been the longest running dating site in the US exclusively for widows and widowers since it was established in 2004. With partner sites in the UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa, has been dedicated for over a decade in delivering a premium dating experience. Whether you are based in the busy environs of New York, the vast deserts of Texas or the golden sands of California, is here to help you connect with other widows or widowers living in your local area.

No.3 Just Widower Dating★★★☆☆

Sick of being single? Fed up of waking up alone on a Sunday morning? Well, you have come to the right place. Just Widower Dating is part of a shared romance network of members and sites. This means that by joining Just Widower Dating you automatically get access to members who are part of this shared network, significantly increasing the chances of finding what you are looking for. And It is designed to help maximise the chances of meeting the right person for you. By joining this site, your profile will also appear to members of other sites on the shared network.

No.4 The Widow Dating Club★★★☆☆

Are you a widower looking to start dating? Losing a loved partner is always difficult, we also know the challenges dating can bring when you're a widower, but when the time comes to move on and meet new people, The Widow Dating Club is a great place to start. Because it's a dating site created specifically to connect widowed singles and help widowers find love again. Meet singles in the UK who have been through the same thing and start chatting today. Make friends, go on dates and find love again with The Widow Dating Club. Join free today and meet someone amazing.

No.5 One Single Person★★☆☆☆

Find true love and new long-term relationship dating with divorced and widow at the best online dating site. is just the best online dating site specially created for divorced, widowed or separated people looking for new long-term, stable relationships, true love or simply like-minded people. You can meet here single divorced women and men for dating of different ages, nationalities, social status, education level. You can also join this unique dating site for widows and start your search of new friends and lovers right now.

I’m frequently asked if a certain widower behavior, like always talking about his late wife or having photos all over the house, is a red flag that the widower isn’t ready to move forward. Often, these answers aren’t black and white, and much depends on the specific situation and what, if anything, the widower is doing to correct the problem. The purpose of this chapter isn’t to go over every possible circumstance you might find yourself in, but to identify the five specific red flags that usually indicate the widower isn’t ready for a serious relationship. If he exhibits any of these red flags, it’s more than likely he’s not ready to open his heart to you.

Red Flag #1: The Widower Hides You from Family and Friends

Most widowers start dating long before their children, close friends, and family are ready to see them with other women. Because widowers think their loved ones won’t support or understand their decision to date again (a decision the widowers themselves often can’t explain), they often keep their dating and relationships a secret for as long as possible.

It’s normal to be concerned about telling family and friends. These conversations are never easy, and it’s difficult to predict how others will react to this news. But widowers who are ready to open their hearts again will find the strength and courage to do it. Not telling others about your relationship becomes a red flag when widowers continually make excuses as to why it hasn’t happened yet. You’ll know it’s a red flag because you’ll feel like a mistress or a secret girlfriend.

Never tolerate being treated like some dirty little secret. When a widower hides you and your relationship from others, what he’s really saying is that he values the feelings of his loved ones more than he values you. Remember, men express their true feelings through their actions. When he intentionally hides you, keeps you from meeting loved ones, or purposely excludes you from family activities and get-togethers, what he’s really saying is that you’re not that important.

Over the years, I’ve talked with women who were literally asked to hide in a closet or wait quietly in another room when a widower’s friends or family stopped by unannounced. Other times, they were introduced as “just a friend” to the widower’s acquaintances. Some widowers refuse to eat at certain restaurants, shop at specific stores, or visit parts of town with their new girlfriends because they’re worried about running into someone they know. Other widowers plan dates or secret rendezvous only when they don’t interfere with planned family gatherings.

Widowers who are serious about opening their hearts will make introductions—no matter how difficult those announcements or meetings may be. The hardest conversation I had after dating again was telling Krista’s brother and grandmother that I was in a serious relationship with Julianna. I knew they were still grieving, and it would be difficult for them to know that just seven months after their granddaughter and sister’s death, I was in love again. Still, it was a conversation that needed to happen. Krista’s brother and grandmother were a big part of my life for seven years, and I knew it would hurt them even more to learn about my relationship with Julianna from someone else.

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The more hesitant widowers are to tell others about the women they’re dating, the greater their internal doubts are about the relationship. Those who are confident about their feelings will have these conversations. For example, when Jennifer came to visit me for the first time, I waited until the last possible minute to tell my family she was coming. I only told them about Jennifer because I lived down the street from my parents, and there was no way I could hide the fact that I had a visitor. At the time, I rationalized my actions by telling myself I didn’t want to hurt the feelings of loved ones who were still grieving. However, when I became serious with Julianna a few months later, I never hid her or our relationship from anyone. In fact, I relished opportunities to introduce Julianna to everyone I knew. This change took place because I had no doubts about my feelings for Julianna. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, and in order to do that, I had to integrate her into all aspects of my life.


By now, some of you are wondering when the widower should introduce you to friends and family. With close family members, it should happen soon after becoming exclusive. In cases where he’s worried about a negative reaction, it might be better for him to inform those he loves that he’s in an exclusive relationship before making face-to-face introductions. If introducing you in person isn’t practical or realistic, at the very least, the widower should let them know he’s in a committed relationship and who it’s with.


In my situation, I thought it was better to let Krista’s brother and grandmother know that I was in an exclusive relationship before they met Julianna. It was one of the most difficult conversations I’ve ever had. Even though they were both verbally supportive and were thankful that I had told them, I could sense that they didn’t understand how I could open my heart to someone else less than a year after Krista’s death. When I introduced them to Julianna a few weeks later, I could tell they were still struggling with my decision, but they were polite and welcoming. If I hadn’t had that previous conversation with them, I don’t believe the actual introduction would have gone nearly as well.

The only exception I make to this rule is when the widower has minor children living at home. When that’s the case, I think the relationship should be on solid ground before introductions are made. This, however, doesn’t give the widower license not to tell them what he’s doing. At the very least, his minor children should know that their father is dating, and he should give you a rough timeline of when introductions will happen. However, if he continually makes up excuses as to why you haven’t met his kids or keeps changing the deadline, he’s hiding you and not ready to open his heart.

Remember that you should expect the same behavior from a widower that you would from any other man. Don’t let widowers get away with treating you like a secret. You deserve and should expect to be treated like the center of his universe.

(Chapter continues after video)

Red Flag #2: You Remind the Widower of His Late Wife

Three months after Krista died, I created a profile on an online dating website. Back then, online dating was relatively new, and nowhere as sophisticated as the dating apps of today. After filling out some basic information about myself, I posted a single photograph, along with a paragraph about myself and what kind of woman I was looking to date. Then I started applying the website’s filters to see who came back as compatible matches.

Though I didn’t realize it at the time, I was inputting Krista’s characteristics into the search filters, and as a result, the site was returning women who looked somewhat like Krista and had similar interests and hobbies. I didn’t do this intentionally. However, at that point in my life, Krista was the only woman I’d had a serious, long-term relationship with. We clicked on so many levels that I unconsciously figured that by putting in Krista’s interests and personality traits, I’d find someone who would be a good match. Despite the site returning dozens of “compatible” women, I never clicked with any of them when we met in person. At the time, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t connect with someone with similar looks and interests. In hindsight, I realize I wanted those women to be just like Krista and duplicate that wonderful relationship we shared.

I tell this story because when widowers start dating, their frame of reference for what makes a compatible or desirable partner is based on the looks, personality, and interests of the late wife. They think that finding someone who looks familiar and acts similarly to the late wife will heal their heart. (I recommend that widowers date several different women when they re-enter the dating waters so they’ll get exposed to a diverse set of women with different personalities and interests.) I was initially attracted to Jennifer because she was very similar to Krista. Like Krista, Jennifer was tall, blonde, creative, and had an outgoing personality. We even matched up perfectly in the political and faith aspects of our lives. That alone brought me a level of comfort and familiarity that made it an easy decision to let the relationship become more serious.

The fact that you have similar looks or personality to the late wife isn’t a red flag by itself. You should become concerned if the widower tries to mold you and your relationship into a replica of the one he shared with his late wife. Fortunately, this is an easy red flag to identify. The four most common things widowers who are looking to reconstruct their relationship with their late wife will do are:

  1. Verbally compare the two of you. This is usually done through subtle hints about the way the late wife did things and how much he enjoyed them.

  2. Constantly point out physical characteristics that you and the late wife share.

  3. Ask you to dress in the late wife’s clothes and/or behave like her while you’re out on a date or in the bedroom.

  4. Constantly take you to the same places where he and the late wife ate, vacationed, and frequented while refusing to try new things with you.

Is There A Dating Site For Widows And Widowers

If all this sounds creepy, it is. If you find yourself dating a widower who exhibits one or more of these traits, note that healthy boundaries or better communication won’t fix this. He’s trying to re-create a part of his life that is gone forever by obliterating your unique personality and identity. He will never love you for who you are—only for who he thinks you can be. The best thing you can do if you find yourself in this kind of relationship is to end it immediately. In order for a relationship with a widower to grow and thrive, he has to love the new woman for who she is—not who he wants her to be. It’s a lesson I didn’t learn until I fell in love with Julianna.